Talajoltó Baktériumok Gyártása, Lactobacillus Fermentáció

Summer internship

In the last decade we’ve cooperated, and still actively cooperate with hungarian universities specialized in our field of expertise.
Budapest University of Technology and Economics – one of our key partners – besides our joint efforts in our enzyme development program, sends students to spend their 4-12 week long summer internship at us. Our research leader Viktória Bódai holds courses at the University of Pannonia every year. Student groups come for guided tours in our plant from several faculties of Szent István University. The Faculty of Science at Eötvös Lóránd University holds external pratice sessions at our laboratories for their postgradual students. Our colleagues have supervised many BSc, MSc and PhD theses, and wrote many referee’s reports. Péter Sátorhelyi

Sátorhelyi Péter a Szt. István Egyetem záróvizsga bizottságában, Erdélyi Balázs pedig a BME VBK Biomérnöki szak záróvizsgáján bizottsági tagként vesz részt.

We offer a summer internship opportunity to university students who are looking for positions in the field of bioengineering.
