We have started a challenging project this year: our goal is to develop a probiotic that has a measurable and significant anti-inflammatory effect, supporting the regeneration of severely damaged, inflamed bowel segments. During chemotherapy treatments, not only cancer cells but also rapidly growing intestinal epithelial cells are damaged, which triggers inflammatory processes. Additionally, endotoxins passing through the damaged mucosa often produce an inflammatory response throughout the whole body. As a result, diarrhea of varying severity, as well as liver and kidney damage can occur. We are developing a probiotic which on the one hand restores the barrier function of the intestinal epithelium by reducing local inflammation and attenuates the systemic inflammatory response induced by endotoxemia.
To implement the project we need new equipment, which are currently being procured. The pictures show a number of new freezers and fridges and a new IKA turrax with two different dispersing tools.
We would like to thank NKFIH for the support! Title of the project: Development of a dietary supplement containing inactivated Lactobacillus to reduce the inflammatory complications of chemotherapy, ID: 1.1.1-MKI-2018-00029.