

ISO audit 2024

This year we have successfully completed the renewal audit of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificates. The process was not only a success from a technical point of view, but the cooperation between the participants and the atmosphere was also…

Environtec expo, interview with Trendmánia

In October, we were exhibitors at the Environtec International Trade Exhibition for Environmental Technology, Waste, Water, and Sustainability, where we had the pleasure to talk to many interested visitors. Also, we got interviewed by the team of Trendmánia television programme,…

Visit from the CEO of Dynea AS

Tarje Braaten, CEO of the Norwegian Dynea AS company, has visited us again this year, accompanied by Attila Ludányi, Managing Director of Dynea’s Hungarian subsidiary. We evaluated the shared achievements and successes of the last ten years in two bioremediation…

Video shot by the „Kék bolygó”

The Kék bolygó’s (Blue Planet) staff reported on our R&D project aiming the in-situ microbial degradation of PAH molecules. The first microbiological vaccines will go on sale this year.

Our company in the Cloudifacturing project

Fermentia participates in the third wave of the EU project: Cloudifacturing. The goal is to digitalize the manufacturing sector by cloudification of the services. Data gathering, data analysis, computations and production optimization in the cloud is the
